10. Everyone always teases him and he takes it like a champ and laughs with them.
9. He loves to make me happy.
8. He cleans so good my mom would approve, and that takes something special.
7. He works hard at everything he does. One of his favorite quotes is....if your going to do it, do it your best.
6. He is honest in ALL that he does, and says. If you want an honest answer make sure you ask him, you might be there for minute or two or three, but you'll get his true opinion.
5. He never thinks of himself. He is selfless. He is totally content with wearing a jacket that has holes in it and is stained, as long as it keeps him warm. He wears jeans that are holy and we stitch them up and he still thinks they are fine to wear. He has one pair of shoes that he wears everyday and he feels that is just fine.
4. He Loves the Lord with all his heart and has a strong testimony of the Gospel. He is a great missionary and dares to talk and share his testimony.
3. He loves to Serve. He would serve all day long if I would let him. He is constantly looking for ways he can serve. I remember talking to him before we were married and he would be picking up a hitchhiker on the road. He did this many many times. I would ask him if he would be scared and he said only once. He truly wants to help everyone.
2. He loves his family. He loves our kids and is the best dad ever. He plays with them, he teaches them, he truly wants the best for them.
1. The #1 reason that Corry is the best man ever is he never complains. I've never heard him complain about anything. He gets up way way early, he works so hard, he comes home and asks what he can do. He goes to bed late and doesn't get enough sleep and he doesn't complain. He gets a 2nd job working graveyards, so that we can get by, he does not complain. He serves and serves and serves and he does it willingly and with a smile. He is the best man ever. I know the Lord is very proud of who he is. I love you Corry, you are my better half, I'm so blessed to have married you 5 short years ago.
Happy Birthday Corry!!! I am so glad that you both found each other!!! I love you both and am go grateful to have you in my life!!!
I found your blog! Happy Birthday to Corry! We have always been impressed with him and all his qualities! ANd he is so fun to be around, we are so glad you found him...you guys are perfect for eachother:)
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